
Dr. Ying-Jer Kao (Sub-project 3)

Ph. D., University of Chicago, 2001
Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
Center Scientist, National Center for Theoretical Sciences
Past positions
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Toronto 
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Waterloo
Awards and Honors
2018 QuantEmX Scientist Exchange Award (sponsored by ICAM)
2011 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, National Science Council (吳大猷先生紀念獎)
2010 Research Award for Junior Research Investigators, Academia Sinica ( 中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎)
2009 Young Theorist Award, National Center of Theoretical Sciences (國家理論科學研究中心年輕理論學者獎)
2008 Young Investigator Merit Award, National Science Council (國家科學委員會傑出學者養成計畫)
Full list at Google Scholar



Dr. Yao-Hsin Chou (Sub-project 3)

周耀新 博士 Dr. Yao-Hsin Chou 教授 Professor 國立暨南國際大學 National Chi Nan University Phone:886 -49-2910960 ext. 4828 Email:yhchou@ncnu.edu.tw Research Interests : Quantum Information Science Quantum Cryptography Quantum-inspired search algorithm Artificial Intelligence Financial Technology Publication   B io

Dr. Chia-Mu Yu (Sub-project 3)

游家牧博士 Dr. Chia-Mu Yu 助理教授        Assistant Professor 國立中興大學資訊科學與工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University Personal Webpage: chiamuyu.weebly.com Email: chiamuyu@gmail.com  Research Interests: Adversarial Machine Learning  Computer and Network Security Data Privacy and Anonymization  Quantum Algorithms

Dr. Jiun-Yun Li (Sub-project 1)

李峻霣博士 Dr. Jiun-Yun Li  副教授   Associate Professor 國立臺灣大學物理系 Department of Physics, National Taiwan University  Phone: +886-2-33661774    Email:  jiunyun@ntu.edu.tw Major Research Areas: Group-IV epitaxy (GeSn),  quantum physics and devices applications  quantum computing